The best insurance for your pet

Pet insurance is the product most similar to health insurance for people, offering a wide range of coverages for animals and for the insured as the owner.

Who is this insurance for?

At Peris, we work with two leading companies in the market, Liberty Seguros and Mapfre. Below, we explain some of the most important coverages included in pet insurance.

Veterinary Assistance for Accidents

  • Initial examinations, X-rays, analyses, electrocardiograms.
  • Surgical or other interventions, anesthesia, surgical material, medications, osteosynthesis, prosthetics, and/or fiborendoscopy as necessary.
  • Post-operative care, treatments, and stays in clinics when necessary.
  • Expenses incurred by veterinary home care for the above cases.
  • Being run over.
  • Animal fights.
  • Breaks, traumas, or internal injuries that prevent the normal activity of walking, running, and/or jumping.
  • Traffic accidents during the transportation of the animal in motor vehicles.
  • Falls from heights causing trauma or internal injuries to the animal.
  • Ingestion of foreign bodies, with a limit of one claim per insurance year for this coverage.
  • Heat stroke.
  • Burns.
  • Injuries or granulomas caused by the introduction of foreign bodies in the eyes, ears, or skin.
  • Any other bodily injury resulting from a violent, sudden, external, and unintentional cause to the insured, including acts of vandalism.
  • Death of the animal in case of an accident: The insurer will compensate, up to the limit established for this concept in the particular conditions of the policy, the value of the animal in case of death by accident.
  • Burial or cremation expenses.
  • Theft: The insurer will compensate the insured for the value of the insured animal, up to the limit set as the insured capital for this coverage. Valuations exceeding 300 euros must be documented with specific animal documentation, such as invoices and pedigree registration in the breed’s origin book.
  • Stay in residence due to the owner’s hospitalization: The insurer guarantees, up to the limit of the sum insured for this concept in particular conditions, the reimbursement of the expenses of the insured animal’s stay in a residence.
  • Telephone assistance: A service providing the necessary information so the client can easily access the following services: pet-friendly hotels in Spain, adoption and shelter centers, pet clubs, training, grooming, home caretakers, and assistance at competitions and other events.
Seguro de mascotas
  • Veterinary assistance coverage for illness is arranged based on the declarations made by the policyholder.
  • It includes, among other coverages: veterinary consultation, diagnostic tests, laboratory analyses, surgical intervention, anesthesia, and post-surgical veterinary assistance as a consequence of surgery, etc.
  • Optional guarantee.
Seguro de mascotas
  • Coverage for bodily injury, material damage, or other harm that the animal may cause to third parties. At this point, the owner can choose from different amounts of insured capital.
Seguro de mascotas
  • The company covers a stipulated amount for legal assistance expenses (lawyers, court costs, experts, etc.) that may be necessary for acts derived from the pet.

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