Claims and Legal Protection Insurance

We understand that the legal world can be confusing and costly, but with our claims and legal protection insurance, you can rest assured knowing that you will have access to experts who can help you resolve any legal issues you may face.

Claims and Legal Protection: A Lawyer at Your Service

  • You disagree with your electricity bill.
  • Despite calling numerous times, no one addresses your concerns. What can you do?
  • Your neighbors make noise every night, preventing you from sleeping. Talking to them hasn’t changed anything. What can you do?
  • The washing machine you recently bought breaks down frequently. Despite calling, the issue isn’t resolved, and you’re being charged. How can you make a claim?
  • You fell on the street due to a poorly maintained sidewalk and have weeks of recovery ahead. Who should you contact?
  • Your flight got cancelled, ruining your vacation. You don’t know what to do: Can you claim compensation from the airline? What are their obligations?
  • Are you entitled to compensation?
  • You made an online purchase, but it never arrived, and the website isn’t responding. Can you return it?
  • You don’t know any lawyer to call if needed. Who can you contact?
  • You don’t understand your employment contract. Who can explain it to you?
  • You’ve been dismissed. Should you sign the severance pay? Is the dismissal fair or unfair?

At Peris, we offer you, at the best price, a Claims and Legal Protection insurance policy, backed by ARAG, the leading legal protection insurance provider in the Spanish market. We offer two contracting options with comprehensive guarantees tailored to your needs.

Family Legal Claims

Maximum legal guarantee in matters related to:

Protege tus intereses legales con nuestro seguro de reclamación y defensa jurídica

This guarantee defends your rights if you have rental issues, if third parties damage your property, if a neighbor makes excessive noise, if you hire a professional for a renovation and it isn’t done as agreed, or when your interests conflict with the Homeowners’ Association.

Protege tus intereses legales con nuestro seguro de reclamación y defensa jurídica

You can claim for personal injuries caused by the fault or negligence of another person, and for material damages (if it involves any of your property).

Protege tus intereses legales con nuestro seguro de reclamación y defensa jurídica

This guarantees the defense of your rights as a consumer or user and protects you from potential fraud or scams that may arise from purchasing a product or contracting a service (appliance repair services, travel, tourism, and hospitality services, medical services, etc.).

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