Directors and Officers: D&O Insurance

Claims against directors, officers, and executives of companies have been continuously rising worldwide in recent years.

Directors and Officers Insurance

At Peris, we focus on adequately protecting the assets of the directors and officers of our insured companies.

In Spain, there has been a significant increase in claims and litigation. This is partly due to the increasingly demanding and strict regulatory environment for company managers.

The legal liability regime means that directors, officers, and executives of companies can be affected by claims from
shareholders, the company itself, employees, official bodies, creditors, customers, suppliers, or other third parties affected by the company’s activities.

These claims are diverse: management issues or non-compliance with obligations or procedures, inaccuracies in information provided to shareholders, issues related to payments or the financial situation of the company, failure to take measures in specific situations, tax violations, etc. Employees may claim for contract breaches, discrimination, harassment, workplace accidents, among other causes.

In many of these cases, there is a need to advance defense costs, fines, and administrative penalties, which the executive must cover with their own assets.

Tailored D&O Program: We have the technical team necessary to analyze and protect the goals of directors and officers and their companies. We analyze the balance sheets, accounts, and all specific aspects of each case to optimize the program, set the most important guarantees based on the circumstances of each case, including special and specific clauses to be introduced, and analyze the possible exclusions that should be minimized according to the circumstances of each case.

We advise on the insured sums and coverage limits that should be set to ensure the peace of mind of the management team. In some cases, considering the need for high figures for the directors’ peace of mind, it is necessary to use several layers of coverage to obtain high sums at more affordable costs.

We maintain this study at each renewal and in the event of any changes, new acquisitions, subsidiaries, restructurings, etc.

Claim Management: We place special importance on providing the most professional and close advice to the executive when a claim is made. It is important to properly plan the management of each incident and be attentive to any details that may affect it over time until its resolution. Claims against directors are very personal and confidential and require differential treatment, close and coordinated, especially with the legal part.

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